Family Support Service
The "Family Support" is a set of membership-based mutual-aid activities to give help for child-raising in the communities. Both of those who need assistance for child-raising (User Members) and those who wish to provide assistance for child-raising (Support Members) are required to apply for "registration."

User Member (who wants to receive assistance for child-raising)
Guardian of child(ren) at 43 days or older, who live in or commute for work to Shinjuku City and need assistance in child-raising are eligible. Those who wish to register the Service are required to attend a briefing session for members with prior reservations on the phone.
Support Member (who wants to provide assistance for child-raising)
Physically and mentally healthy persons who are 18 years or older and live or go to school in Shinjuku City are eligible. Those who wish to register the Service are required to complete the course run by the Secretariat and to attend the briefing session. (Held three times a year.)
☆You can be a user member and a support member at the same time.
Contact for Inquiries
Community Activities Support Division
(Shinjuku City Family Support Center)
Tel: 03-5273-3545
FAX: 03-5273-3082
Consultation in Japanese